
Outward reloid of composition vs composition of outward reloids ★★

Author(s): Porton

Conjecture   For every composable funcoids $ f $ and $ g $ $$(\mathsf{RLD})_{\mathrm{out}}(g\circ f)\sqsupseteq(\mathsf{RLD})_{\mathrm{out}}g\circ(\mathsf{RLD})_{\mathrm{out}}f.$$

Keywords: outward reloid

Special Primes

Author(s): George BALAN

Conjecture   Let $ p $ be a prime natural number. Find all primes $ q\equiv1\left(\mathrm{mod}\: p\right) $, such that $ 2^{\frac{\left(q-1\right)}{p}}\equiv1\left(\mathrm{mod}\: q\right) $.


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Algorithm for graph homomorphisms ★★

Author(s): Fomin; Heggernes; Kratsch


Is there an algorithm that decides, for input graphs $ G $ and $ H $, whether there exists a homomorphism from $ G $ to $ H $ in time $ O(c^{|V(G)|+|V(H)|}) $ for some constant $ c $?

Keywords: algorithm; Exponential-time algorithm; homomorphism

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"Working Cheats" Apex Legends Coins Generator Ios Android 2024


Closing Lemma for Diffeomorphism (Dynamical Systems) ★★★★

Author(s): Charles Pugh

Conjecture   Let $ f\in Diff^{r}(M) $ and $ p\in\omega_{f}  $. Then for any neighborhood $ V_{f}\subset Diff^{r}(M)  $ there is $ g\in V_{f} $ such that $ p $ is periodic point of $ g $

There is an analogous conjecture for flows ( $ C^{r} $ vector fields . In the case of diffeos this was proved by Charles Pugh for $ r = 1 $. In the case of Flows this has been solved by Sushei Hayahshy for $ r = 1 $ . But in the two cases the problem is wide open for $ r > 1 $

Keywords: Dynamics , Pertubation

The sum of the two largest eigenvalues (Solved) ★★


The sum of the two largest eigenvalues (Solved)


Bounding the chromatic number of triangle-free graphs with fixed maximum degree ★★

Author(s): Kostochka; Reed

Conjecture   A triangle-free graph with maximum degree $ \Delta $ has chromatic number at most $ \ceil{\frac{\Delta}{2}}+2 $.

Keywords: chromatic number; girth; maximum degree; triangle free

Minimum number of arc-disjoint transitive subtournaments of order 3 in a tournament ★★

Author(s): Yuster

Conjecture   If $ T $ is a tournament of order $ n $, then it contains $ \left \lceil n(n-1)/6 - n/3\right\rceil $ arc-disjoint transitive subtournaments of order 3.


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Raid Shadow Legends Cheats Generator Android Ios 2024 Cheats Generator (HOT)


Tarski's exponential function problem ★★

Author(s): Tarski

Conjecture   Is the theory of the real numbers with the exponential function decidable?

Keywords: Decidability

Erdős–Straus conjecture ★★

Author(s): Erdos; Straus


For all $ n > 2 $, there exist positive integers $ x $, $ y $, $ z $ such that $$1/x + 1/y + 1/z = 4/n$$.

Keywords: Egyptian fraction

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Exact colorings of graphs ★★

Author(s): Erickson

Conjecture   For $ c \geq m \geq 1 $, let $ P(c,m) $ be the statement that given any exact $ c $-coloring of the edges of a complete countably infinite graph (that is, a coloring with $ c $ colors all of which must be used at least once), there exists an exactly $ m $-colored countably infinite complete subgraph. Then $ P(c,m) $ is true if and only if $ m=1 $, $ m=2 $, or $ c=m $.

Keywords: graph coloring; ramsey theory

Bases of many weights ★★★

Author(s): Schrijver; Seymour

Let $ G $ be an (additive) abelian group, and for every $ S \subseteq G $ let $ {\mathit stab}(S) = \{ g \in G : g + S = S \} $.

Conjecture   Let $ M $ be a matroid on $ E $, let $ w : E \rightarrow G $ be a map, put $ S = \{ \sum_{b \in B} w(b) : B \mbox{ is a base} \} $ and $ H = {\mathit stab}(S) $. Then $$|S| \ge |H| \left( 1 - rk(M) + \sum_{Q \in G/H} rk(w^{-1}(Q)) \right).$$

Keywords: matroid; sumset; zero sum

Approximation Ratio for Maximum Edge Disjoint Paths problem ★★

Author(s): Bentz

Conjecture   Can the approximation ratio $ O(\sqrt{n}) $ be improved for the Maximum Edge Disjoint Paths problem (MaxEDP) in planar graphs or can an inapproximability result stronger than $ \mathcal{APX} $-hardness?

Keywords: approximation algorithms; Disjoint paths; planar graph; polynomial algorithm

The Riemann Hypothesis ★★★★

Author(s): Riemann

The zeroes of the Riemann zeta function that are inside the Critical Strip (i.e. the vertical strip of the complex plane where the real part of the complex variable is in ]0;1[), are actually located on the Critical line ( the vertical line of the complex plane with real part equal to 1/2)

Keywords: Millenium Problems; zeta

Sidorenko's Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Sidorenko

Conjecture   For any bipartite graph $ H $ and graph $ G $, the number of homomorphisms from $ H $ to $ G $ is at least $ \left(\frac{2|E(G)|}{|V(G)|^2}\right)^{|E(H)|}|V(G)|^{|V(H)|} $.

Keywords: density problems; extremal combinatorics; homomorphism

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Dense rational distance sets in the plane ★★★

Author(s): Ulam

Problem   Does there exist a dense set $ S \subseteq {\mathbb R}^2 $ so that all pairwise distances between points in $ S $ are rational?

Keywords: integral distance; rational distance

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Bleach Brave Souls Cheats Generator No Human Verification (Ios Android)


Distribution and upper bound of mimic numbers ★★

Author(s): Bhattacharyya


Let the notation $ a|b $ denote ''$ a $ divides $ b $''. The mimic function in number theory is defined as follows [1].

Definition   For any positive integer $ \mathcal{N} = \sum_{i=0}^{n}\mathcal{X}_{i}\mathcal{M}^{i} $ divisible by $ \mathcal{D} $, the mimic function, $ f(\mathcal{D} | \mathcal{N}) $, is given by,

$$ f(\mathcal{D} | \mathcal{N}) = \sum_{i=0}^{n}\mathcal{X}_{i}(\mathcal{M}-\mathcal{D})^{i} $$

By using this definition of mimic function, the mimic number of any non-prime integer is defined as follows [1].

Definition   The number $ m $ is defined to be the mimic number of any positive integer $ \mathcal{N} = \sum_{i=0}^{n}\mathcal{X}_{i}\mathcal{M}^{i} $, with respect to $ \mathcal{D} $, for the minimum value of which $ f^{m}(\mathcal{D} | \mathcal{N}) = \mathcal{D} $.

Given these two definitions and a positive integer $ \mathcal{D} $, find the distribution of mimic numbers of those numbers divisible by $ \mathcal{D} $.

Again, find whether there is an upper bound of mimic numbers for a set of numbers divisible by any fixed positive integer $ \mathcal{D} $.

Keywords: Divisibility; mimic function; mimic number

Seymour's Second Neighbourhood Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Seymour

Conjecture   Any oriented graph has a vertex whose outdegree is at most its second outdegree.

Keywords: Caccetta-Häggkvist; neighbourhood; second; Seymour

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Unused Free Bloons TD Battles Cheats No Human Verification No Survey (2024 Method)


PTAS for feedback arc set in tournaments ★★

Author(s): Ailon; Alon

Question   Is there a polynomial time approximation scheme for the feedback arc set problem for the class of tournaments?

Keywords: feedback arc set; PTAS; tournament

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Cooking Fever Cheats Generator Free 2024 in 5 minutes (New Cheats Generator Cooking Fever)


Long rainbow arithmetic progressions ★★

Author(s): Fox; Jungic; Mahdian; Nesetril; Radoicic

For $ k\in \mathbb{N} $ let $ T_k $ denote the minimal number $ t\in \mathbb{N} $ such that there is a rainbow $ AP(k) $ in every equinumerous $ t $-coloring of $ \{ 1,2,\ldots ,tn\} $ for every $ n\in \mathbb{N} $

Conjecture   For all $ k\geq 3 $, $ T_k=\Theta (k^2) $.

Keywords: arithmetic progression; rainbow

Partition of a cubic 3-connected graphs into paths of length 2. ★★

Author(s): Kelmans

Problem   Does every $ 3 $-connected cubic graph on $ 3k $ vertices admit a partition into $ k $ paths of length $ 2 $?


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3-Decomposition Conjecture ★★


3-Decomposition Conjecture


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Partial List Coloring ★★★

Author(s): Albertson; Grossman; Haas

Conjecture   Let $ G $ be a simple graph with $ n $ vertices and list chromatic number $ \chi_\ell(G) $. Suppose that $ 0\leq t\leq \chi_\ell $ and each vertex of $ G $ is assigned a list of $ t $ colors. Then at least $ \frac{tn}{\chi_\ell(G)} $ vertices of $ G $ can be colored from these lists.

Keywords: list assignment; list coloring

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Sticky Cantor sets ★★


Conjecture   Let $ C $ be a Cantor set embedded in $ \mathbb{R}^n $. Is there a self-homeomorphism $ f $ of $ \mathbb{R}^n $ for every $ \epsilon $ greater than $ 0 $ so that $ f $ moves every point by less than $ \epsilon $ and $ f(C) $ does not intersect $ C $? Such an embedded Cantor set for which no such $ f $ exists (for some $ \epsilon $) is called "sticky". For what dimensions $ n $ do sticky Cantor sets exist?

Keywords: Cantor set

Decomposing an eulerian graph into cycles. ★★

Author(s): Hajós

Conjecture   Every simple eulerian graph on $ n $ vertices can be decomposed into at most $ \frac{1}{2}(n-1) $ cycles.


3-Edge-Coloring Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Arthur; Hoffmann-Ostenhof

Conjecture   Suppose $ G $ with $ |V(G)|>2 $ is a connected cubic graph admitting a $ 3 $-edge coloring. Then there is an edge $ e \in E(G) $ such that the cubic graph homeomorphic to $ G-e $ has a $ 3 $-edge coloring.

Keywords: 3-edge coloring; 4-flow; removable edge

Edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles in highly strongly connected tournaments. ★★

Author(s): Thomassen

Conjecture   For every $ k\geq 2 $, there is an integer $ f(k) $ so that every strongly $ f(k) $-connected tournament has $ k $ edge-disjoint Hamilton cycles.


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Gta 5 Cheats Generator No Human Verification No Survey (Method 2024) ★★


Gta 5 Cheats Generator No Human Verification No Survey (Method 2024)


Asymptotic Distribution of Form of Polyhedra ★★

Author(s): Rüdinger

Problem   Consider the set of all topologically inequivalent polyhedra with $ k $ edges. Define a form parameter for a polyhedron as $ \beta:= v/(k+2) $ where $ v $ is the number of vertices. What is the distribution of $ \beta $ for $ k \to \infty $?

Keywords: polyhedral graphs, distribution

The Hodge Conjecture ★★★★

Author(s): Hodge

Conjecture   Let $ X $ be a complex projective variety. Then every Hodge class is a rational linear combination of the cohomology classes of complex subvarieties of $ X $.

Keywords: Hodge Theory; Millenium Problems

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