Conjecture Let and . Then for any neighborhood there is such that is periodic point of
There is an analogous conjecture for flows ( vector fields . In the case of diffeos this was proved by Charles Pugh for . In the case of Flows this has been solved by Sushei Hayahshy for . But in the two cases the problem is wide open for
Conjecture For , let be the statement that given any exact -coloring of the edges of a complete countably infinite graph (that is, a coloring with colors all of which must be used at least once), there exists an exactly -colored countably infinite complete subgraph. Then is true if and only if , , or .
Conjecture Can the approximation ratio be improved for the Maximum Edge Disjoint Paths problem (MaxEDP) in planar graphs or can an inapproximability result stronger than -hardness?
The zeroes of the Riemann zeta function that are inside the Critical Strip (i.e. the vertical strip of the complex plane where the real part of the complex variable is in ]0;1[), are actually located on the Critical line ( the vertical line of the complex plane with real part equal to 1/2)
Conjecture Let be a simple graph with vertices and list chromatic number . Suppose that and each vertex of is assigned a list of colors. Then at least vertices of can be colored from these lists.
Conjecture Let be a Cantor set embedded in . Is there a self-homeomorphism of for every greater than so that moves every point by less than and does not intersect ? Such an embedded Cantor set for which no such exists (for some ) is called "sticky". For what dimensions do sticky Cantor sets exist?
Conjecture Suppose with is a connected cubic graph admitting a -edge coloring. Then there is an edge such that the cubic graph homeomorphic to has a -edge coloring.
Problem Consider the set of all topologically inequivalent polyhedra with edges. Define a form parameter for a polyhedron as where is the number of vertices. What is the distribution of for ?
Conjecture Let be a complex projective variety. Then every Hodge class is a rational linear combination of the cohomology classes of complex subvarieties of .