Importance: Medium ✭✭
Recomm. for undergrads: no
Prize: none
Posted by: mdevos
on: March 10th, 2007
Conjecture   For every $ 0 \le t \le n-1 $, the sequence in $ {\mathbb Z}_n^2 $ consisting of $ n-1 $ copes of $ (1,0) $ and $ t $ copies of $ (0,1) $ has the fewest number of distinct subsequence sums over all zero-free sequences from $ {\mathbb Z}_n^2 $ of length $ n-1+t $.

Definition: Given a sequence $ \bf a $ of elements from an additive abelian group, we call a subsequence sum any group element expressable as a sum of some nontrivial subsequence of $ \bf a $. We say that $ \bf a $ is zero-free if $ 0 $ is not a subsequence sum.

It is easy to see that every sequence $ a_1,\ldots,a_n $ of elements from $ {\mathbb Z}_n $ has a nontrivial subsequence which sums to zero (actually this holds for every group of order $ n $). Just consider the elements $ a_1 $, $ a_1 + a_2 $, $ \ldots $, $ a_1 + \ldots, a_n $. If these elements are distinct, we have a zero sum. Otherwise, we have $ a_1 + \ldots + a_j = a_1 + \ldots + a_k $ for some $ 1 \le j < k \le n $, but then $ a_{j+1} + a_{j+2} + \ldots a_k = 0 $. The same argument shows that whenever $ 0 \le t \le n-1 $, every zero-free sequence of $ t $ elements of $ {\mathbb Z}_n $ must have at least $ t $ distinct subsequence sums. In other words, the sequence consisting of $ t $ copies of $ 1 $ has the fewest number of distinct subsequence sums over all zero-free sequences in $ {\mathbb Z}_n $ of length $ t $.

In the group $ {\mathbb Z}_n^2 $, a theorem of Olsen shows that every sequence of length $ \ge 2n-1 $ has a nontrivial subsequence which sums to zero. However, we do not know what the minimum number of distinct subsequence sums is for a zero-free sequence of a given length. The above conjecture would appear to be the natural optimum.


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