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Direct proof of a theorem about compact funcoids ★★
Author(s): Porton
The main purpose here is to find a direct proof of this conjecture. It seems that this conjecture can be derived from the well known theorem about existence of exactly one uniformity on a compact set. But that would be what I call an indirect proof, we need a direct proof instead.
The direct proof may be constructed by correcting all errors an omissions in this draft article.
Direct proof could be better because with it we would get a little more general statement like this:
- \item ; \item .
Then .
Keywords: compact space; compact topology; funcoid; reloid; uniform space; uniformity
Dirac's Conjecture ★★
Author(s): Dirac
Keywords: point set
Roller Coaster permutations ★★★
Let denote the set of all permutations of . Let and denote respectively the number of increasing and the number of decreasing sequences of contiguous numbers in . Let denote the set of subsequences of with length at least three. Let denote .
A permutation is called a Roller Coaster permutation if . Let be the set of all Roller Coaster permutations in .
- \item If , then . \item If , then with .
- \item If , then is odd for . \item If , then for all .
Graphs of exact colorings ★★
Conjecture For , let be the statement that given any exact -coloring of the edges of a complete countably infinite graph (that is, a coloring with colors all of which must be used at least once), there exists an exactly -colored countably infinite complete subgraph. Then is true if and only if , , or .
Imbalance conjecture ★★
Author(s): Kozerenko
Keywords: edge imbalance; graphic sequences
Every metamonovalued reloid is monovalued ★★
Author(s): Porton
Every metamonovalued funcoid is monovalued ★★
Author(s): Porton
The reverse is almost trivial: Every monovalued funcoid is metamonovalued.
Keywords: monovalued
Decomposition of completions of reloids ★★
Author(s): Porton
- \item if is a co-complete reloid; \item if is a complete reloid; \item ; \item ; \item .
Keywords: co-completion; completion; reloid
List Total Colouring Conjecture ★★
Author(s): Borodin; Kostochka; Woodall
Keywords: list coloring; Total coloring; total graphs
Partitioning the Projective Plane ★★
Author(s): Noel
Throughout this post, by projective plane we mean the set of all lines through the origin in .
Keywords: Partitioning; projective plane
Kriesell's Conjecture ★★
Author(s): Kriesell
Keywords: Disjoint paths; edge-connectivity; spanning trees
2-colouring a graph without a monochromatic maximum clique ★★
Keywords: maximum clique; Partitioning
Almost all non-Hamiltonian 3-regular graphs are 1-connected ★★
Author(s): Haythorpe
Is it true that ?
Erdős–Faber–Lovász conjecture ★★★
Author(s): Erdos; Faber; Lovasz
Keywords: chromatic number
Are there only finite Fermat Primes? ★★★
Are all Fermat Numbers square-free? ★★★
Choosability of Graph Powers ★★
Author(s): Noel
Keywords: choosability; chromatic number; list coloring; square of a graph
Erdős-Posa property for long directed cycles ★★
Large acyclic induced subdigraph in a planar oriented graph. ★★
Author(s): Harutyunyan
Polignac's Conjecture ★★★
Author(s): de Polignac
In particular, this implies: