Havet, Frédéric

Erdős-Posa property for long directed cycles ★★

Author(s): Havet; Maia

Conjecture   Let $ \ell \geq 2 $ be an integer. For every integer $ n\geq 0 $, there exists an integer $ t_n=t_n(\ell) $ such that for every digraph $ D $, either $ D $ has a $ n $ pairwise-disjoint directed cycles of length at least $ \ell $, or there exists a set $ T $ of at most $ t_n $ vertices such that $ D-T $ has no directed cycles of length at least $ \ell $.


Antidirected trees in digraphs ★★

Author(s): Addario-Berry; Havet; Linhares Sales; Reed; Thomassé

An antidirected tree is an orientation of a tree in which every vertex has either indegree 0 or outdergree 0.

Conjecture   Let $ D $ be a digraph. If $ |A(D)| > (k-2) |V(D)| $, then $ D $ contains every antidirected tree of order $ k $.


Good Edge Labelings ★★

Author(s): Araújo; Cohen; Giroire; Havet

Question   What is the maximum edge density of a graph which has a good edge labeling?

We say that a graph is good-edge-labeling critical, if it has no good edge labeling, but every proper subgraph has a good edge labeling.

Conjecture   For every $ c<4 $, there is only a finite number of good-edge-labeling critical graphs with average degree less than $ c $.

Keywords: good edge labeling, edge labeling

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