
Shuffle-Exchange Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Beneš; Folklore; Stone

Given integers $ k,n\ge2 $, let $ d(k,n) $ be the smallest integer $ d\ge2 $ such that the symmetric group $ \frak S $ on the set of all words of length $ n $ over a $ k $-letter alphabet can be generated as $ \frak S = (\sigma \frak G)^d:=\sigma\frak G \sigma\frak G \dots \sigma\frak G $ ($ d $ times), where $ \sigma\in \frak S $ is the shuffle permutation defined by $ \sigma(x_1 x_2 \dots x_{n}) = x_2 \dots x_{n} x_1 $, and $ \frak G $ is the exchange group consisting of all permutations in $ \frak S $ preserving the first $ n-1 $ letters in the words.

Problem  (SE)   Evaluate $ d(k,n) $.
Conjecture  (SE)   $ d(k,n)=2n-1 $, for all $ k,n\ge2 $.


Euler-Mascheroni constant ★★★


Question   Is Euler-Mascheroni constant an transcendental number?

Keywords: constant; Euler; irrational; Mascheroni; rational; transcendental

Convex 'Fair' Partitions Of Convex Polygons ★★

Author(s): Nandakumar; Ramana

Basic Question: Given any positive integer n, can any convex polygon be partitioned into n convex pieces so that all pieces have the same area and same perimeter?

Definitions: Define a Fair Partition of a polygon as a partition of it into a finite number of pieces so that every piece has both the same area and the same perimeter. Further, if all the resulting pieces are convex, call it a Convex Fair Partition.

Questions: 1. (Rephrasing the above 'basic' question) Given any positive integer n, can any convex polygon be convex fair partitioned into n pieces?

2. If the answer to the above is "Not always'', how does one decide the possibility of such a partition for a given convex polygon and a given n? And if fair convex partition is allowed by a specific convex polygon for a give n, how does one find the optimal convex fair partition that minimizes the total length of the cut segments?

3. Finally, what could one say about higher dimensional analogs of this question?

Conjecture: The authors tend to believe that the answer to the above 'basic' question is "yes". In other words they guess: Every convex polygon allows a convex fair partition into n pieces for any n

Keywords: Convex Polygons; Partitioning

The circular embedding conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Haggard

Conjecture   Every 2-connected graph may be embedded in a surface so that the boundary of each face is a cycle.

Keywords: cover; cycle

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Family Island Cheats Generator 2024 Free No Verification (New.updated)


List chromatic number and maximum degree of bipartite graphs ★★

Author(s): Alon

Conjecture   There is a constant $ c $ such that the list chromatic number of any bipartite graph $ G $ of maximum degree $ \Delta $ is at most $ c \log \Delta $.


PTAS for feedback arc set in tournaments ★★

Author(s): Ailon; Alon

Question   Is there a polynomial time approximation scheme for the feedback arc set problem for the class of tournaments?

Keywords: feedback arc set; PTAS; tournament

Diagonal Ramsey numbers ★★★★

Author(s): Erdos

Let $ R(k,k) $ denote the $ k^{th} $ diagonal Ramsey number.

Conjecture   $ \lim_{k \rightarrow \infty} R(k,k) ^{\frac{1}{k}} $ exists.
Problem   Determine the limit in the above conjecture (assuming it exists).

Keywords: Ramsey number

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Fishdom Cheats Generator 2023-2024 Edition Hack (NEW-FREE!!)


Elementary symmetric of a sum of matrices ★★★



Given a Matrix $ A $, the $ k $-th elementary symmetric function of $ A $, namely $ S_k(A) $, is defined as the sum of all $ k $-by-$ k $ principal minors.

Find a closed expression for the $ k $-th elementary symmetric function of a sum of N $ n $-by-$ n $ matrices, with $ 0\le N\le k\le n $ by using partitions.


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Rainbow Six Siege Cheats Generator Free 2024 in 5 minutes (successive Generator)


Covering systems with big moduli ★★

Author(s): Erdos; Selfridge

Problem   Does for every integer $ N $ exist a covering system with all moduli distinct and at least equal to~$ N $?

Keywords: covering system

Lonely runner conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Cusick; Wills

Conjecture   Suppose $ k $ runners having distinct constant speeds start at a common point and run laps on a circular track with circumference 1. Then for any given runner, there is a time at which that runner is distance at least $ \frac{1}{k} $ (along the track) away from every other runner.

Keywords: diophantine approximation; view obstruction

Beneš Conjecture (graph-theoretic form) ★★★

Author(s): Beneš

Problem  ($ \dag $)   Find a sufficient condition for a straight $ \ell $-stage graph to be rearrangeable. In particular, what about a straight uniform graph?
Conjecture  ($ \diamond $)   Let $ L $ be a simple regular ordered $ 2 $-stage graph. Suppose that the graph $ L^m $ is externally connected, for some $ m\ge1 $. Then the graph $ L^{2m} $ is rearrangeable.


Long rainbow arithmetic progressions ★★

Author(s): Fox; Jungic; Mahdian; Nesetril; Radoicic

For $ k\in \mathbb{N} $ let $ T_k $ denote the minimal number $ t\in \mathbb{N} $ such that there is a rainbow $ AP(k) $ in every equinumerous $ t $-coloring of $ \{ 1,2,\ldots ,tn\} $ for every $ n\in \mathbb{N} $

Conjecture   For all $ k\geq 3 $, $ T_k=\Theta (k^2) $.

Keywords: arithmetic progression; rainbow

3-accessibility of Fibonacci numbers ★★

Author(s): Landman; Robertson

Question   Is the set of Fibonacci numbers 3-accessible?

Keywords: Fibonacci numbers; monochromatic diffsequences

Sets with distinct subset sums ★★★

Author(s): Erdos

Say that a set $ S \subseteq {\mathbb Z} $ has distinct subset sums if distinct subsets of $ S $ have distinct sums.

Conjecture   There exists a fixed constant $ c $ so that $ |S| \le \log_2(n) + c $ whenever $ S \subseteq \{1,2,\ldots,n\} $ has distinct subset sums.

Keywords: subset sum

A nowhere-zero point in a linear mapping ★★★

Author(s): Jaeger

Conjecture   If $ {\mathbb F} $ is a finite field with at least 4 elements and $ A $ is an invertible $ n \times n $ matrix with entries in $ {\mathbb F} $, then there are column vectors $ x,y \in {\mathbb F}^n $ which have no coordinates equal to zero such that $ Ax=y $.

Keywords: invertible; nowhere-zero flow

Hello ★★





Rendezvous on a line ★★★

Author(s): Alpern

Problem   Two players start at a distance of 2 on an (undirected) line (so, neither player knows the direction of the other) and both move at a maximum speed of 1. What is the infimum expected meeting time $ R $ (first time when the players occupy the same point) which can be achieved assuming the two players must adopt the same strategy?

Keywords: game theory; optimization; rendezvous

Characterizing (aleph_0,aleph_1)-graphs ★★★

Author(s): Diestel; Leader

Call a graph an $ (\aleph_0,\aleph_1) $-graph if it has a bipartition $ (A,B) $ so that every vertex in $ A $ has degree $ \aleph_0 $ and every vertex in $ B $ has degree $ \aleph_1 $.

Problem   Characterize the $ (\aleph_0,\aleph_1) $-graphs.

Keywords: binary tree; infinite graph; normal spanning tree; set theory

The sum of the two largest eigenvalues (Solved) ★★


The sum of the two largest eigenvalues (Solved)


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New War Dragons Free Rubies Cheats 2024 Tested (extra)


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World Of Tanks Blitz Gold Credits Cheats Generator 2024 (improved version)


A conjecture on iterated circumcentres ★★

Author(s): Goddyn

Conjecture   Let $ p_1,p_2,p_3,\ldots $ be a sequence of points in $ {\mathbb R}^d $ with the property that for every $ i \ge d+2 $, the points $ p_{i-1}, p_{i-2}, \ldots p_{i-d-1} $ are distinct, lie on a unique sphere, and further, $ p_i $ is the center of this sphere. If this sequence is periodic, must its period be $ 2d+4 $?

Keywords: periodic; plane geometry; sequence

Partial List Coloring ★★★

Author(s): Iradmusa

Let $ G $ be a simple graph, and for every list assignment $ \mathcal{L} $ let $ \lambda_{\mathcal{L}} $ be the maximum number of vertices of $ G $ which are colorable with respect to $ \mathcal{L} $. Define $ \lambda_t = \min{ \lambda_{\mathcal{L}} } $, where the minimum is taken over all list assignments $ \mathcal{L} $ with $ |\mathcal{L}| = t $ for all $ v \in V(G) $.

Conjecture   [2] Let $ G $ be a graph with list chromatic number $ \chi_\ell $ and $ 1\leq r\leq s\leq \chi_\ell $. Then \[\frac{\lambda_r}{r}\geq\frac{\lambda_s}{s}.\]

Keywords: list assignment; list coloring

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Edge Reconstruction Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Harary


Every simple graph with at least 4 edges is reconstructible from it's edge deleted subgraphs

Keywords: reconstruction

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War Dragons Rubies Cheats Generator 2024 (improved version)


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Free Generator Sims FreePlay Working Simoleons Life Points and Social Points Cheats (Sims FreePlay Generator)


Choosability of Graph Powers ★★

Author(s): Noel

Question  (Noel, 2013)   Does there exist a function $ f(k)=o(k^2) $ such that for every graph $ G $, \[\text{ch}\left(G^2\right)\leq f\left(\chi\left(G^2\right)\right)?\]

Keywords: choosability; chromatic number; list coloring; square of a graph

5-flow conjecture ★★★★

Author(s): Tutte

Conjecture   Every bridgeless graph has a nowhere-zero 5-flow.

Keywords: cubic; nowhere-zero flow

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Working Generator Pokemon Go Pokecoins Cheats Android Ios 2024 (HOT)


Decomposing k-arc-strong tournament into k spanning strong digraphs ★★

Author(s): Bang-Jensen; Yeo

Conjecture   Every k-arc-strong tournament decomposes into k spanning strong digraphs.


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Idle Miner Tycoon Cheats Generator Pro Apk (Android Ios)


Obstacle number of planar graphs

Author(s): Alpert; Koch; Laison

Does there exist a planar graph with obstacle number greater than 1? Is there some $ k $ such that every planar graph has obstacle number at most $ k $?

Keywords: graph drawing; obstacle number; planar graph; visibility graph

Partition of a cubic 3-connected graphs into paths of length 2. ★★

Author(s): Kelmans

Problem   Does every $ 3 $-connected cubic graph on $ 3k $ vertices admit a partition into $ k $ paths of length $ 2 $?


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Rise Of Kingdoms Cheats Generator 2024-2024 (NEW-FREE!!)


The 3n+1 conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Collatz

Conjecture   Let $ f(n) = 3n+1 $ if $ n $ is odd and $ \frac{n}{2} $ if $ n $ is even. Let $ f(1) = 1 $. Assume we start with some number $ n $ and repeatedly take the $ f $ of the current number. Prove that no matter what the initial number is we eventually reach $ 1 $.

Keywords: integer sequence

Coloring the Odd Distance Graph ★★★

Author(s): Rosenfeld

The Odd Distance Graph, denoted $ {\mathcal O} $, is the graph with vertex set $ {\mathbb R}^2 $ and two points adjacent if the distance between them is an odd integer.

Question   Is $ \chi({\mathcal O}) = \infty $?

Keywords: coloring; geometric graph; odd distance

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3-Decomposition Conjecture ★★


3-Decomposition Conjecture


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Legal SimCity BuildIt Cheats Generator No Human Verification 2024 (No Surveys Needed)


Universal highly arc transitive digraphs ★★★

Author(s): Cameron; Praeger; Wormald

An alternating walk in a digraph is a walk $ v_0,e_1,v_1,\ldots,v_m $ so that the vertex $ v_i $ is either the head of both $ e_i $ and $ e_{i+1} $ or the tail of both $ e_i $ and $ e_{i+1} $ for every $ 1 \le i \le m-1 $. A digraph is universal if for every pair of edges $ e,f $, there is an alternating walk containing both $ e $ and $ f $

Question   Does there exist a locally finite highly arc transitive digraph which is universal?

Keywords: arc transitive; digraph

Graphs with a forbidden induced tree are chi-bounded ★★★

Author(s): Gyarfas

Say that a family $ {\mathcal F} $ of graphs is $ \chi $-bounded if there exists a function $ f: {\mathbb N} \rightarrow {\mathbb N} $ so that every $ G \in {\mathcal F} $ satisfies $ \chi(G) \le f (\omega(G)) $.

Conjecture   For every fixed tree $ T $, the family of graphs with no induced subgraph isomorphic to $ T $ is $ \chi $-bounded.

Keywords: chi-bounded; coloring; excluded subgraph; tree

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Finding k-edge-outerplanar graph embeddings ★★

Author(s): Bentz

Conjecture   It has been shown that a $ k $-outerplanar embedding for which $ k $ is minimal can be found in polynomial time. Does a similar result hold for $ k $-edge-outerplanar graphs?

Keywords: planar graph; polynomial algorithm

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Real Racing 3 Cheats Generator Tested on iOS and Android (Latest Method)


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