Euler-Mascheroni constant ★★★


Question   Is Euler-Mascheroni constant an transcendental number?

Keywords: constant; Euler; irrational; Mascheroni; rational; transcendental

Covering a square with unit squares ★★


Conjecture   For any integer $ n \geq 1 $, it is impossible to cover a square of side greater than $ n $ with $ n^2+1 $ unit squares.


Covering powers of cycles with equivalence subgraphs


Conjecture   Given $ k $ and $ n $, the graph $ C_{n}^k $ has equivalence covering number $ \Omega(k) $.


Good Edge Labelings ★★

Author(s): Araújo; Cohen; Giroire; Havet

Question   What is the maximum edge density of a graph which has a good edge labeling?

We say that a graph is good-edge-labeling critical, if it has no good edge labeling, but every proper subgraph has a good edge labeling.

Conjecture   For every $ c<4 $, there is only a finite number of good-edge-labeling critical graphs with average degree less than $ c $.

Keywords: good edge labeling, edge labeling