Do any three longest paths in a connected graph have a vertex in common? ★★
Author(s): Gallai
Conjecture Do any three longest paths in a connected graph have a vertex in common?
Coloring the union of degenerate graphs ★★
Author(s): Tarsi
Conjecture The union of a -degenerate graph (a forest) and a -degenerate graph is -colourable.
Arc-disjoint strongly connected spanning subdigraphs ★★
Author(s): Bang-Jensen; Yeo
Conjecture There exists an ineteger so that every -arc-connected digraph contains a pair of arc-disjoint strongly connected spanning subdigraphs?
Arc-disjoint out-branching and in-branching ★★
Author(s): Thomassen
Conjecture There exists an integer such that every -arc-strong digraph with specified vertices and contains an out-branching rooted at and an in-branching rooted at which are arc-disjoint.
Strong edge colouring conjecture ★★
A strong edge-colouring of a graph is a edge-colouring in which every colour class is an induced matching; that is, any two vertices belonging to distinct edges with the same colour are not adjacent. The strong chromatic index is the minimum number of colours in a strong edge-colouring of .
Long directed cycles in diregular digraphs ★★★
Author(s): Jackson
Conjecture Every strong oriented graph in which each vertex has indegree and outdegree at least contains a directed cycle of length at least .
Splitting a digraph with minimum outdegree constraints ★★★
Author(s): Alon
Problem Is there a minimum integer such that the vertices of any digraph with minimum outdegree can be partitioned into two classes so that the minimum outdegree of the subgraph induced by each class is at least ?