A graph is -degenerate if it can be reduced to
(the graph with a unique vertex) by repeatedly deleting vertices of degree at most
. A
-degenerate graph
admits a proper
, and a
-degenerate graph
admits a proper
. Thus,
is a proper
-colouring of
The conjecture is tigth because is the union of a
-degenerate graph and a
-degenerate graph.
Based on a decompostion of the complete graph, Klein and Schönheim [KlSc93] generalised this conjecture to -composed graphs, which are unions of
such that

Partial results towards this conjecture are obtained in [KlSc95].
*[K] R. Klein. On the colorability of {}-composed graphs. Discrete Math. 133 (1994), 181--190.
[KlSc93] R. Klein and J. Schönheim. Decomposition of {} into degenerate graphs. In Combinatorics and graph theory (Hefei, 1992), pages 141--155. World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1993.
[KlSc95] R. Klein and J. Schönheim. On the colorability of graphs decomposable into degenerate graphs with specified degeneracy. Australas. J. Combin., 12:201--208, 1995.
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.