Are different notions of the crossing number the same? ★★★

Author(s): Pach; Tóth

Problem   Does the following equality hold for every graph $ G $? \[ \text{pair-cr}(G) = \text{cr}(G) \]

The crossing number $ \text{cr}(G) $ of a graph $ G $ is the minimum number of edge crossings in any drawing of $ G $ in the plane. In the pairwise crossing number $ \text{pair-cr}(G) $, we minimize the number of pairs of edges that cross.

Keywords: crossing number; pair-crossing number

Shuffle-Exchange Conjecture (graph-theoretic form) ★★★

Author(s): Beneš; Folklore; Stone

Given integers $ k,n \ge 2 $, the 2-stage Shuffle-Exchange graph/network, denoted $ \text{SE}(k,n) $, is the simple $ k $-regular bipartite graph with the ordered pair $ (U,V) $ of linearly labeled parts $ U:=\{u_0,\dots,u_{t-1}\} $ and $ V:=\{v_0,\dots,v_{t-1}\} $, where $ t:=k^{n-1} $, such that vertices $ u_i $ and $ v_j $ are adjacent if and only if $ (j - ki) \text{ mod } t < k $ (see Fig.1).

Given integers $ k,n,r \ge 2 $, the $ r $-stage Shuffle-Exchange graph/network, denoted $ (\text{SE}(k,n))^{r-1} $, is the proper (i.e., respecting all the orders) concatenation of $ r-1 $ identical copies of $ \text{SE}(k,n) $ (see Fig.1).

Let $ r(k,n) $ be the smallest integer $ r\ge 2 $ such that the graph $ (\text{SE}(k,n))^{r-1} $ is rearrangeable.

Problem   Find $ r(k,n) $.
Conjecture   $ r(k,n)=2n-1 $.


Partition of Complete Geometric Graph into Plane Trees ★★


Conjecture   Every complete geometric graph with an even number of vertices has a partition of its edge set into plane (i.e. non-crossing) spanning trees.

Keywords: complete geometric graph, edge colouring

Edge-Colouring Geometric Complete Graphs ★★

Author(s): Hurtado

Question   What is the minimum number of colours such that every complete geometric graph on $ n $ vertices has an edge colouring such that:
    \item[Variant A] crossing edges get distinct colours, \item[Variant B] disjoint edges get distinct colours, \item[Variant C] non-disjoint edges get distinct colours, \item[Variant D] non-crossing edges get distinct colours.

Keywords: geometric complete graph, colouring