5-flow conjecture ★★★★
Author(s): Tutte
Keywords: cubic; nowhere-zero flow
Cores of Cayley graphs ★★
Author(s): Samal
Keywords: Cayley graph; core
1) niceurl requires change in .htaccess (globally: allow local changes, locally: something like files/change_in.htaccess, basically allow rewrite rules)
2) drutex: math images are somewhat lower than they should be! (maybe use: img.tex { vertical-align: bottom } ??)
(3) CCK/? : checkbox doesn't work right! (acc. for undergraduates) SOLVED -- for some reason, it uses the label of 1 for label for the field, and does 'view' wrongly -- but this is easy to solve in contemplate)
4) biblio/filter does not work (possibly error in some script)!
5) where should OP-template.css go?
To Do List
design OP-node:
- write template (and back it up) - ALMOST DONE:
login page redirect
default search should only search unsolved problems, advanced search should probably be limited as well (for instance, no blog entries, stories)
OP-node - printable version
- theme input form
allows for entering links to html based on \ref, \label in TeX
make \def and \newcommand work!
views: the selected view corresponds to the URL ==> possibility for "clever 2-D navigation"