
Friendly partitions ★★

Author(s): DeVos

A friendly partition of a graph is a partition of the vertices into two sets so that every vertex has at least as many neighbours in its own class as in the other.

Problem   Is it true that for every $ r $, all but finitely many $ r $-regular graphs have friendly partitions?

Keywords: edge-cut; partition; regular

Nearly spanning regular subgraphs ★★★

Author(s): Alon; Mubayi

Conjecture   For every $ \epsilon > 0 $ and every positive integer $ k $, there exists $ r_0 = r_0(\epsilon,k) $ so that every simple $ r $-regular graph $ G $ with $ r \ge r_0 $ has a $ k $-regular subgraph $ H $ with $ |V(H)| \ge (1- \epsilon) |V(G)| $.

Keywords: regular; subgraph

r-regular graphs are not uniquely hamiltonian. ★★★

Author(s): Sheehan

Conjecture   If $ G $ is a finite $ r $-regular graph, where $ r > 2 $, then $ G $ is not uniquely hamiltonian.

Keywords: hamiltonian; regular; uniquely hamiltonian

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