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Seymour's Second Neighbourhood Conjecture ★★★

Author(s): Seymour

Conjecture   Any oriented graph has a vertex whose outdegree is at most its second outdegree.

Keywords: Caccetta-Häggkvist; neighbourhood; second; Seymour

5-coloring graphs with small crossing & clique numbers ★★

Author(s): Oporowski; Zhao

For a graph $ G $, we let $ cr(G) $ denote the crossing number of $ G $, and we let $ \omega(G) $ denote the size of the largest complete subgraph of $ G $.

Question   Does every graph $ G $ with $ cr(G) \le 5 $ and $ \omega(G) \le 5 $ have a 5-coloring?

Keywords: coloring; crossing number; planar graph