Importance: Medium ✭✭
Author(s): DeVos, Matt
Recomm. for undergrads: no
Prize: bottle of wine (DeVos)
Posted by: mdevos
on: March 7th, 2007
Question   Let $ G $ be an $ (a+b+2) $-edge-connected graph. Does there exist a partition $ \{A,B\} $ of $ E(G) $ so that $ (V,A) $ is $ a $-edge-connected and $ (V,B) $ is $ b $-edge-connected?

By the Nash-Williams/Tutte theorem ([NW] or [T]) on disjoint spanning trees, the above conjecture is true if $ G $ is $ 2(a+b) $-edge-connected. This is the only partial result I know of. Here is a related conjecture.

Conjecture   There exists a fixed integer $ k $ so that every $ k $-edge-connected graph $ G=(V,E) $ has a subset of edges $ S $ with the property that every edge-cut of $ G $ has between $ \frac{1}{3} $ and $ \frac{2}{3} $ of its edges in $ S $.

The values $ \frac{1}{3} $ and $ \frac{2}{3} $ are of no special importance in the above conjecture. Indeed, an affirmative answer to the above problem with $ \frac{1}{3} $ and $ \frac{2}{3} $ replaced by $ \frac{1}{t} $ and $ 1 - \frac{1}{t} $ for any $ t > 0 $ would still be valuable - and in particular, would imply the 2+epsilon flow conjecture.

Definition: Let $ G=(V,E) $ be a graph and let $ P=\{E_1,E_2,...,E_t\} $ be a partition of $ E $. We say that $ P $ is $ k $-courteous if $ G \setminus E_i $ is $ k $-edge-connected for every $ 1 \le i \le t $.

Problem   What is the smallest integer $ t $ so that every 3-edge-connected graph has a 2-courteous coloring of size $ t $?

It is known (see [DJS]) that $ 4 \le t \le 10 $. It would be quite interesting if the truth were in fact $ t=4 $. An improvement on the current upper bound would have some consequences for certain flow problems and cycle-cover problems. In general, one may define a function $ H : {\mathbb Z}^2  \rightarrow {\mathbb Z} \cup \{\infty\} $ so that $ H(a,b) $ is the smallest integer $ t $ (or $ \infty $ if none exists) so that every $ a $-edge-connected graph has a $ b $-courteous coloring of size $ t $. It is known (see [DJS]) that $ H(2k+2,2k+1) = \infty $, and that $ 2k+1 < H(2k+1,2k) < C 100^k $. Two special cases when better values are known are $ 2 < H(4,2) < 5 $ and $ 5 < H(5,4) < 31 $.


[DJS] M. DeVos, T. Johnson, P.D. Seymour, Cut-coloring and circuit covering

[Ed] J. Edmonds, Minimum Partition of a Matriod into Independent Subsets, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards 69B (1965) 67-72. MathSciNet

[NW] C.S.J.A. Nash-Williams, Edge Disjoint Spanning Trees of Finite Graphs, J. London Math. Soc. 36 (1961) 445-450. MathSciNet

[T] W.T. Tutte, On the problem of decomposing a graph into n connected factors, J. London Math. Soc. 36 (1961), 221-230. MathSciNet

* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.


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