Length of surreal product
Conjecture Every surreal number has a unique sign expansion, i.e. function
, where
is some ordinal. This
is the length of given sign expansion and also the birthday of the corresponding surreal number. Let us denote this length of

It is easy to prove that
What about
This is strongly conjectured to be true by Gonshor in [Gon86]. There is an easy way to prove that
*[Gon86] Harry Gonshor, An Introduction to the Theory of Surreal Numbers, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986.
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.
On June 5th, 2012 Lukáš Lánský says:
Thank you! I wasn't aware of this paper. At first sight I think that the part you refer to establish the required result just for surreals in the form , but I'll find time to go through it thoroughly as it is most relevant for the matter.
Proof Already Exists?
I believe the proof for the conjectured statement was proven in the affirmative in the paper "Fields of Surreal Numbers and Exponentiation" by Dries and Ehrlich. Specifically, Lemma 3.3 on page 6 : http://www.ohio.edu/people/ehrlich/EhrlichvandenDries.pdf
If this satisfies the conjecture adequately great, if not, let me know if you would like to work toward a solution together on something similar or related.
-Vincent Russo