Length of surreal product
Conjecture Every surreal number has a unique sign expansion, i.e. function , where is some ordinal. This is the length of given sign expansion and also the birthday of the corresponding surreal number. Let us denote this length of as .
It is easy to prove that
What about
This is strongly conjectured to be true by Gonshor in [Gon86]. There is an easy way to prove that
*[Gon86] Harry Gonshor, An Introduction to the Theory of Surreal Numbers, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986.
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.
On June 5th, 2012 Lukáš Lánský says:
Thank you! I wasn't aware of this paper. At first sight I think that the part you refer to establish the required result just for surreals in the form , but I'll find time to go through it thoroughly as it is most relevant for the matter.
Proof Already Exists?
I believe the proof for the conjectured statement was proven in the affirmative in the paper "Fields of Surreal Numbers and Exponentiation" by Dries and Ehrlich. Specifically, Lemma 3.3 on page 6 : http://www.ohio.edu/people/ehrlich/EhrlichvandenDries.pdf
If this satisfies the conjecture adequately great, if not, let me know if you would like to work toward a solution together on something similar or related.
-Vincent Russo