Choice Number of k-Chromatic Graphs of Bounded Order

For integers , let
denote the complete
-partite graph in which every part has size
In one of the original papers on choosability, Erdos, Rubin and Taylor [ERT] proved that . Later, Ohba [Ohba] conjectured the following generalization: if
, then TeX Embedding failed!.} This was proved by Noel, Reed and Wu [NRW12].

The above theorem implies that the above conjecture holds for . That is, if
is a
-chromatic graph on at most
vertices (in fact, at most
vertices), then
Kierstead [Kie00] proved that . This was generalized by Noel, West, Wu and Zhu [NWWZ13] to the following:

Therefore, if is a
-chromatic graph on at most
vertices, then
. This shows that the conjecture is true for
Recently, Kierstead, Salmon and Wang [KSW14] proved the following:

However, it is not known whether the upper bound of holds for all
-chromatic graphs on at most
vertices. If true, it would verify the conjecture for
The following is a refinement of the conjecture.

- \item

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[KSW14] H. A. Kierstead, A. Salmon and R. Wang. On the Choice Number of Complete Multipartite Graphs With Part Size Four.
*[Noe13] J. A. Noel. Choosability of Graphs With Bounded Order: Ohba's Conjecture and Beyond. Master's thesis, McGill University, Montreal. pdf
[NRW12] J. A. Noel, B. A. Reed, and H. Wu. A Proof of a Conjecture of Ohba. Preprint, arXiv:1211.1999v1, November 2012. Webpage
[NWWZ13] J. A. Noel, D. B. West, H. Wu, and X. Zhu. Beyond Ohba's Conjecture: A bound on the choice number of -chromatic graphs with
vertices. Preprint, arXiv:1308.6739v1, August 2013. pdf
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* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.