The sum of the two largest eigenvalues (Solved)
This property does hold for all regular graphs . If is -regular, then . Further, if we let denote the complement of and let denote its eigenvalues, then (the second inequality here follows from the observation that is -regular).
Open Problems in Spectral Graph Theory (a list maintained by Dragan Stevanović).
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.
Is this really solved?
I'm confused how the paper's result (which you have posted) solves this question. I didn't read the paper, but the abstract only gave a looser bound that the sum of the first two eigenvalues is <= 2/sqrt(3) * n (and not just n).
a negative solution
The paper shows that the sum of the first two eigenvalues exceeds 1.125n - 25, so exceeds n when n is sufficiently large. Thus Nikiforov has given a negative solution to the problem. (Note: I have not checked the claims of the paper thoroughly.)
Is this really solved?
Yes. Nikiforov's inequality says that for all n >= 21 the maximum of the sum of the two largest eigenvalues of a graph on n vertices is at least f(n):=n(29+sqrt(329))/42-25. Notice that for n >= 204, f(n)-n is positive. Thus, for all n >= 204 there is a graph with n vertices and with the sum of the two largest eigenvalues greater than n.
Take a look at for an example and 3D picture of a graph on 40 vertices, with 770 edges for which the sum of the two largest eigenvalues is > 40.
I don't know if anyone knows the least n for which there is a graph with n vetices such that the sum of the two largest eigenvalues is greater than n.
Gary Davis
About 5 months ago, I was shown a counterexample to this conjecture by Bojan Mohar (I believe in joint work with two of his grad. students - Javad Ebrahimi and Azhvan Sheikh). However, thanks to Gordon Royle, I have just learned that this problem was resolved earlier by Vladimir Nikiforov. See Linear combinations of graph eigenvalues.