The Crossing Number of the Hypercube

Importance: Medium ✭✭
Recomm. for undergrads: no
Posted by: Robert Samal
on: May 11th, 2007

The crossing number $ cr(G) $ of $ G $ is the minimum number of crossings in all drawings of $ G $ in the plane.

The $ d $-dimensional (hyper)cube $ Q_d $ is the graph whose vertices are all binary sequences of length $ d $, and two of the sequences are adjacent in $ Q_d $ if they differ in precisely one coordinate.

Conjecture   $ \displaystyle \lim  \frac{cr(Q_d)}{4^d} = \frac{5}{32} $

It is known that $ cr(Q_d) = 0 $ for $ d = 1,2,3 $ and that $ cr(Q_4) = 8 $. No other exact values are known. Madej [M] proved that $ cr(Q_d) \le 4^d/6 + o(4^d/6) $. Faria and de Figueiredo [FF] improved the upper bound to $ (165/1024) 4^d $. Sykora and Vrto [SV] proved that $ 4^d/20 + o(4^d/20) $ is a lower bound on $ cr(Q_d) $.


*[EG] P. Erdős and R.K. Guy, Crossing number problems, Amer. Math. Monthly 80 (1973) 52-58.

[FF] L. Faria, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, On Eggleton and Guy's conjectured upper bound for the crossing number of the $ n $-cube, Math. Slovaca 50 (2000) 271-287.

[M] T. Madej, Bounds for the crossing number of the $ n $-cube, J. Graph Theory 15 (1991) 81-97.

[SV] O. Sykora and I. Vrto, On crossing numbers of hypercubes and cube connected cycles, BIT 33 (1993) 232-237.

* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.

Improved upper bound

I came accross a paper Faria, Herrera de Figueiredo, Sykora, Vrto: An improved upper bound on the crossing number of the hypercube that proves half of this, getting the correct upper bound.

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