Intersection of complete funcoids (Solved)
Conjecture If
are complete funcoids (generalized closures) then
is a complete funcoid (generalized closure).

See Algebraic General Topology for definitions of used concepts.
Below is also a weaker conjecture:
Conjecture If
are binary relations then
is a binary relation; or equivalently,
for any binary relations

The author has found a counterexample against this weaker conjecture and thus against the main conjecture. The example is and
. It is simple to show that
is the Fréchet filter and thus
See the section "Some counter-examples" in the online article "Funcoids and Reloids" for details.
*Victor Porton. Algebraic General Topology
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.
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Please, provide
1) definitions of the used concepts (to make the statement self-contained)
2) motivation (why this is important, examples, ...)
At the present state, this text is unfortunately not very useful for someone not acquainted with your manuscripts.