P vs. NP ★★★★

Author(s): Cook; Levin

Problem   Is P = NP?

Keywords: Complexity Class; Computational Complexity; Millenium Problems; NP; P; polynomial algorithm

F_d versus F_{d+1} ★★★

Author(s): Krajicek

Problem   Find a constant $ k $ such that for any $ d $ there is a sequence of tautologies of depth $ k $ that have polynomial (or quasi-polynomial) size proofs in depth $ d+1 $ Frege system $ F_{d+1} $ but requires exponential size $ F_d $ proofs.

Keywords: Frege system; short proof

Reconstruction conjecture ★★★★

Author(s): Kelly; Ulam

The deck of a graph $ G $ is the multiset consisting of all unlabelled subgraphs obtained from $ G $ by deleting a vertex in all possible ways (counted according to multiplicity).

Conjecture   If two graphs on $ \ge 3 $ vertices have the same deck, then they are isomorphic.

Keywords: reconstruction