Coloring random subgraphs ★★

Author(s): Bukh

If $ G $ is a graph and $ p \in [0,1] $, we let $ G_p $ denote a subgraph of $ G $ where each edge of $ G $ appears in $ G_p $ with independently with probability $ p $.

Problem   Does there exist a constant $ c $ so that $ {\mathbb E}(\chi(G_{1/2})) > c \frac{\chi(G)}{\log \chi(G)} $?

Keywords: coloring; random graph

Complete bipartite subgraphs of perfect graphs ★★

Author(s): Fox

Problem   Let $ G $ be a perfect graph on $ n $ vertices. Is it true that either $ G $ or $ \bar{G} $ contains a complete bipartite subgraph with bipartition $ (A,B) $ so that $ |A|, |B| \ge n^{1 - o(1)} $?

Keywords: perfect graph

Cores of strongly regular graphs ★★★

Author(s): Cameron; Kazanidis

Question   Does every strongly regular graph have either itself or a complete graph as a core?

Keywords: core; strongly regular

Wall-Sun-Sun primes and Fibonacci divisibility ★★


Conjecture   For any prime $ p $, there exists a Fibonacci number divisible by $ p $ exactly once.


Conjecture   For any prime $ p>5 $, $ p^2 $ does not divide $ F_{p-\left(\frac p5\right)} $ where $ \left(\frac mn\right) $ is the Legendre symbol.

Keywords: Fibonacci; prime

A discrete iteration related to Pierce expansions ★★

Author(s): Shallit

Conjecture   Let $ a > b > 0 $ be integers. Set $ b_1 = b $ and $ b_{i+1} = {a \bmod {b_i}} $ for $ i \geq 0 $. Eventually we have $ b_{n+1} = 0 $; put $ P(a,b) = n $.

Example: $ P(35, 22) = 7 $, since $ b_1 = 22 $, $ b_2 = 13 $, $ b_3 = 9 $, $ b_4 = 8 $, $ b_5 = 3 $, $ b_6 = 2 $, $ b_7 = 1 $, $ b_8 = 0 $.

Prove or disprove: $ P(a,b) = O((\log a)^2) $.

Keywords: Pierce expansions