Star composition with join of multifuncoids

Importance: Medium ✭✭
Author(s): Porton, Victor
Subject: Topology
Recomm. for undergrads: no
Posted by: porton
on: September 17th, 2012
Conjecture   $ \operatorname{GR} \operatorname{StarComp} \left( a \sqcup^{\mathsf{pFCD}} b ; f \right) = \operatorname{GR} \operatorname{StarComp} \left( a ; f \right) \sqcup^{\mathsf{pFCD}} \operatorname{GR} \operatorname{StarComp} \left( b ; f \right) $ if $ f $ is a pointfree funcoid and $ a $, $ b $ are multifuncoids of the same form, composable with $ f $.

See Algebraic General Topology, especially the theory of multifuncoids for definitions of used concepts.


*Victor Porton. Algebraic General Topology

* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.