Conjecture Every prism over a
-connected cubic planar graph can be decomposed into two Hamilton cycles.

The prism over a graph is the Cartesian product
Rosenfeld and Barnette [RB] deduced from the Four-Colour Theorem that the prism over cubic planar 3-connected has a Hamilton cycle
. The graph
is cycle factor (spanning union of cycles). The conjecture says that one can choses
so that the cycle factor
has a unique cycle, that is a Hamilton cycle.
*[AR] B. Alspach and M. Rosenfeld, On Hamilton decompositions of prisms over simple -polytopes. Graphs Combin. 2 (1986), 1--8.
[RB] M. Rosenfeld and D. Barnette, Hamiltonian circuits in certain prisms, Discrete Math. 5 (1973) 389–394.
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.