More specifically: there exists a constant such that every graph with girth at least
has a good edge labeling.
Let be a finite undirected simple graph. A good edge labeling of
is an assignment of distinct numbers to the edges such that every cycle has at least two local maxima. (The distinctness of the labels is required only to make the term `local maximum' unambiguous.)
Equivalently, a labeling of the edges is good, if for every pair of distinct vertices , there is at most one increasing path from
It is easy to verify that the graphs and
have no good edge labeling. In [ACGH2] an infinite class of graphs without good edge labelings is given. All these graphs have many 4-cycles.
Indeed, no example is known of a graph of girth 5 or more without a good edge labeling. In other words, it may be possible that suffices for the conjecture.
*[BFT] M. Bode, B. Farzad, D.O. Theis. Good edge-labelings and graphs with girth at least five.
[ACGH1] J. Araújo, N. Cohen, F. Giroire, F. Havet. Good edge-labelling of graphs. (English summary) LAGOS'09—V Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, 275–280, Electron. Notes Discrete Math., 35, Elsevier Sci. B. V., Amsterdam, 2009. MathSciNet
[ACGH2] J. Araujo, N. Cohen, F. Giroire, and F. Havet. Good edge-labelling of graphs. Research Report 6934, INRIA, 2009.
[BCP] J-C. Bermond, M. Cosnard, and S. Pérennes. Directed acyclic graphs with unique path property. Technical report 6932, INRIA, May 2009
* indicates original appearance(s) of problem.