<< Santos, Francisco (University of Cantabria, Spain) A counter-example to the Hirsch conjecture
Victor Klee came to the Department of Mathematics to talk to me. We had a nice conversation during which he asked "Why don't you try to disprove the Hirsch Conjecture?" This talk is the answer to that question.
I will describe the construction of a 43-dimensional polytope with 86 facets and diameter bigger than 43. The proof is based on a generalization of the -step theorem of Klee and Walkup. >>
there are someone who's working on it...
<< Santos, Francisco (University of Cantabria, Spain) A counter-example to the Hirsch conjecture
Victor Klee came to the Department of Mathematics to talk to me. We had a nice conversation during which he asked "Why don't you try to disprove the Hirsch Conjecture?" This talk is the answer to that question.
I will describe the construction of a 43-dimensional polytope with 86 facets and diameter bigger than 43. The proof is based on a generalization of the
-step theorem of Klee and Walkup. >>
copy paste from: https://sites.google.com/a/alaska.edu/kleegrunbaum/home/abstracts#Santos
best regards.