Discrete Logrithm is polynomial

The discrete logarithm problem is little more than an integer analog to a rotor-code cipher problem. The later is a problem in finding concurrent zeros for two periodic functions where the periodicity of one tracks the value of x and the other the value of y. The value of x being x, x^2, x^3, ... x^n. The value of y being y, y+p, y+2p,..., y+np. These forms of problems are amenable to solution using a multi dimensional difference (recurrence) expression (as is the Elliptic Curve Cryptographic problem which is a direct application of DE over algebraic fields). The Discrete Logarithm problem is solvable by a deterministic polynomial time algorithm in O(n^3). Google a paper titled "Computing a Discrete Logarithm in O(n^3)", which can be found at Cornell's arXiv website. Example code for the algorithm is also provided by the author of that paper.


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