Admin's blog


In ~/bin/back_it_up is a script that back the whole database (and creates a separate directory for it: ~/Bak/2007_02_27-...).

Later we should find out how to do this automatically and regularly.

biblio module

Very nice feature: "citekey": see

(Seemingly this does not work in our version of the module.)

funny error

for some reason, whenever I go to administer -> system info, I get a funny error.

Day 7 (Feb 5)

- several module updated to current version (CCK, Views, biblio)
- module contemplate installed: it allows us to easily and quickly change the style of teaser/main body presentation,
just by putting the right html code to administer->content->templates.
(Possibly it would be more right to do this in a theme, but I'll rather leave this till much later.)
- first attempts with CCK:
- I created content-type OP-test

- I installed active-select to work with categories (more on this later)

- a bit of clean-up: I deleted the unused categories/containers (plus one that was used -- not a good idea!)

Day 6 (Dec 19)

I couldn't help myself and did tinker with drupal again.

1) If we just want to enter stuff and somehow view it, then all we need is TeX.
So I went after clever viewing options.

Sofar I did made a simple filter to find pages based on title and area, see

2) I decided we don't need three places to select Area. There were three, indeed:
- one by taxonomy
- one by Category
- one by flexinode

So: I uninstalled taxonomy and changed the name of field provided by flexinode
to decrease confusion.
(Btw. uninstalling taxonomy had the drawback of loosing "area" from the

Day 5 (Dec 18)

I played with the site after some time.

1) I searched to find out what we need to find out and what I found is that we should first decide
what we need to find out ;-)

a) we need a way to design our node-type "Open problem"
b) we need a way to attach "categories" (like area) to the nodes
c) we want a way how to search/sort

a) is done by Flexinode and CCK. The latter is supposed to be better, but still somewhat buggy.
(For more details:

b) is done by (standard) taxonomy vs. (new) category module. The latter seems to be better,

Day 4 (Dec 15)

I enabled the "taxonomy browser" module and was rather underimpressed. It created a new link called "category browser" on the main navigation menu. When you click on it, you more or less get a full search. I can't see much point in this.

Day 3 (Dec 11)

1) Matt did make drutex to work: the trouble was that user WWW does(did?) not have latex on PATH

2) installed

dba - direct database access (includes possibility to periodic update - DO IT ONCE!)

3) there seem to be 2 ways to achieve new node-type
flexinode - easier, older, more stable, but cannot cooperate with Views!
CCK - not as stable, but (is told to have) better architecture

PLAN: What do we need Views for? Is there any replacement of this functionality? How did others achieve this

Tinkering begins (Dec 8)

1) We did add a few modules, and plan for more.
Directory convention:
/Users/dm/Sites/ - modules to be installed
/Users/dm/Sites/ - modules that we did intall

and, most importantly (but not decided upon by us):
/Users/dm/Sites/ - place to install (= copy) modules to

Modules installed:
biblio - does import BibTeX !!!
nice_menus - diff. style of menus
flexinode - possibility to make new node-types!!! (works almost perfectly)
- we can make a node OP to have various fields (Author, Area, ...)

Start of the site (Dec 7)

Dominic did set everything up, seemingly with no problems.
What we don't know:
- how to connect drupal to sql database
- how to approach the database directly

What we can:
- login and see all the files directly. Good!

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