Conjecture Can all problems that can be computed by a probabilistic Turing machine (with error probability < 1/3) in polynomial time be solved by a deterministic Turing machine in polynomial time? That is, does P = BPP?
Suppose is a finite group, and is a positive integer dividing . Suppose that has exactly solutions to . Does it follow that these solutions form a subgroup of ?
Conjecture The largest measure of a Lebesgue measurable subset of the unit sphere of containing no pair of orthogonal vectors is attained by two open caps of geodesic radius around the north and south poles.
Conjecture For every fixed and fixed colouring of with colours, there exists such that every colouring of the edges of contains either vertices whose edges are coloured according to or vertices whose edges are coloured with at most colours.
Conjecture Every surreal number has a unique sign expansion, i.e. function , where is some ordinal. This is the length of given sign expansion and also the birthday of the corresponding surreal number. Let us denote this length of as .
Problem Does there exist a polynomial time algorithm which takes as input a graph and for every vertex a subset of , and decides if there exists a partition of into so that only if and so that are independent, is a clique, and there are no edges between and ?
Problem Let be an indexed family of filters on sets. Which of the below items are always pairwise equal?
1. The funcoid corresponding to this function (considered as a single argument function on indexed families) applied to the reloidal product of filters .
2. The funcoid corresponding to this function (considered as a single argument function on indexed families) applied to the starred reloidal product of filters .
Given a finite family of graphs and an integer , the Turán number of is the largest integer such that there exists a graph on vertices with edges which contains no member of as a subgraph.
Conjecture For every finite family of graphs there exists an such that .
Problem (2) Find a composite or which divides both (see Fermat pseudoprime) and the Fibonacci number (see Lucas pseudoprime), or prove that there is no such .
Problem Two players alternately write O's (first player) and X's (second player) in the unoccupied cells of an grid. The first player (if any) to occupy four cells at the vertices of a square with horizontal and vertical sides is the winner. What is the outcome of the game given optimal play? Note: Roland Bacher and Shalom Eliahou proved that every 15 x 15 binary matrix contains four equal entries (all 0's or all 1's) at the vertices of a square with horizontal and vertical sides. So the game must result in a winner (the first player) when n=15.
Conjecture Let be the complete funcoid corresponding to the usual topology on extended real line . Let be the order on this set. Then is a complete funcoid.
Proposition It is easy to prove that is the infinitely small right neighborhood filter of point .
If proved true, the conjecture then can be generalized to a wider class of posets.
Problem Determine a computable set of invariants that allow one to determine, given a compact boundaryless 3-manifold, whether or not it embeds smoothly in the 4-sphere. This should include a constructive procedure to find an embedding if the manifold is embeddable.